From there I actually caused the cutscene where you meet Sans to happen again because I also went back and exited the ruins again, playing the cold open title sequence. I went so far ahead I accidentally went out of the ruins. She was stuck there, mid-gonnaopenthedoor animation, with no collision, and the door wouldn't open. I got stuck so I went back thinking I could continue the scene. I did this on accident during the scene where Toriel hugs you. But, you won't be able to move(which makes being able to save anywhere with S, and load anywhere with L, very helpful). See, you can do it during cutscenes, since it's not like the game has traditional cutscenes. I was also able to get some odd results from going to the next room. Ooooh, so THAT'S what that echoe flower says! If you want to, you could even easily complete a genocide route due to being able to set your HP to 999 Now, people just do it for fun and to find secrets.
It basically makes it so you can go anywhere and do anything with ease, with the original purpose, I assume, being to de-bug and de-glitch parts of the game, finding out what actions cause what problems and how to fix them. Debug mode for undertale isn't that much different from debug mode in any other game.

But why? How? If he's really been erased from time and space, how can he do this? Oh well. Who is this mysterious Dr? What happened to him? And why is he now able to appear without hacking? Even if it's a super slim chance it's still possible. That's about all for the FUN events, but not all for the odd Gaster stuff. Plus, you need to put in 66 for him to appear, and in the games data a Gaster exists as a fightable monster and is #666(ooh, edgy). We don't know if this is actually Gaster but come on, I meannnnnn. He has no collision and when talked to he just gets surprised and disappears. This is a weird NPC referred to as the Mystery Man. But what about the SPOOKY ones? Let's start off small These are: the well known "wrong number song", two phone calls you can get near the beginning of snowdin(one where Sans asks if your refrigerator is running, and one where Alphys tries to order a pizza), the word search puzzle being in "nightmare mode"(actually just a super hard version), and a weird NPC named Clam Girl appearing near Undyne and Napstablook's house in Waterfall. Some FUN events are pretty innocuous, so I don't really have any caps of them. Maybe it's cuz some of the events are fun, some say it stands for "functional universe number" which would make sense given the game's themes and concepts. You'll see how that is in a little bit! No one really knows why it's called "fun". So, even with the editing, it's not guaranteed. If you wanna see a specific event, you have to edit the file to the specific number(for example, the infamous extra hallway leading to the mystery man is 66), but even then you don't always have a 100% chance of seeing it, and there are even some parameters that will stop you from doing it if not in debug mode. What events, you ask? Well, strange occurrences, of course! Depending on what number your fun value is set to upon starting a game(1-100), you can experience certain events that don't happen normally. Now, in the current version, you don't need to capitalize fun and in fact shouldn't, as the events will happen only when it's "fun". Originally, in the older versions, this value had to be capitalized to "Fun", or the value would be useless. If you have started a game at all(as in you get the continue/reset/options on the main menu instead of controls and a prompt to start), undertale.ini will have a value called "fun" in it. "fun" is a value in the undertale.ini file, located in appdata/local/UNDERTALE(not in the steam/common/undertale like you'd think). So, I did just that! Now, I'm gonna show you what I found, and how you can replicate these results(or just have fun) on your own! First off: So, I thought it might be fun to fuck around with the game to get those weird FUN events and go to some of those weird locked off rooms, since if I break the game, eh, I'm not playing this version anymore. Not to mention, I found the folder where the game's save file and events record is kept.
With the PS4 version coming out fairly soon, it's unlikely I'll play the PC version again. Today, we're gonna do something different! And by different, I mean something that plenty of people people have done before: Editing files in Undertale to achieve specific results.

like, 3 of you? 2? F-four?! Well, however many there are, welcome to a special episode of "That Crazy Weeb is Talking to Us Again, Make Him go Away".